For Adult Learners

Taking the First Step

To participate in the program, adult learners must meet certain requirements. They must:

  • Have a qualifying developmental disability.
  • Be committed to meeting with their chosen tutor consistently.
  • Provide feedback to Adult Literacy Ohio, as requested.

Applications are reviewed by the Adult Literacy Ohio team in the order in which they are received. A limited number of grants are available each session. Meeting the eligibility requirements does not guarantee you will receive a grant.

Enrollment is limited to select areas. Please contact our team for more information.

What Adult Learners Are Saying


“I enjoy learning new things, reading, and spelling.”

“My tutor was fun and encouraging. I like doing the tests and trying to beat my last score.”

“Wonderful to finally learn how to read. I could not read before, and now I have an interest and some skills in reading. I feel much more aware of things around me because I can read what they are. This program has been life changing!”

“I love my tutor. She is patient and kind. She has taught me so much that I never thought I would be able to do. I love my reading classes. My tutor is the Best!!!”
“I am learning a lot of things. Getting better at talking, reading books, and getting better at writing. I like learning more words and more challenging words.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is eligible to receive grants from Adult Literacy Ohio?

Ohio adults with a qualifying developmental disability can participate in our program. Adult learners must be committed to meeting consistently with their tutor. Please note that eligibility is contingent on current funding and capacity of tutors. Our program is currently operating out of contracts with county boards of developmental disabilities and with support from private and corporate donors. We encourage you to submit an interest form to remain on our mailing list as enrollment updates become available. 

Do my grant funds expire?

Funds not spent by the end of each semester expire and cannot be used after the expiration date. Please note that not accessing your funds may impact your eligibility for a future grant from Adult Literacy Ohio. If Adult Literacy Ohio does not see a reasonable effort made to use your grant, we have the right to adjust your grant amount or reallocate your funds elsewhere. If you are having trouble getting started, please contact us for help.  

What will I work on during my sessions?

Great question – it depends! During the first session, your tutor will talk with you about goals with participation. If you are a non-reader wanting to learn basic reading skills, your tutor will likely be working with you on the fundamentals of reading. If you want more confidence reading aloud to loved ones, your tutor may work on fluency and volume with you. Some of our learners have a specific workplace skill they want to work on, such as writing emails. The program’s goal is for the session content to be meaningful and relevant to each unique learner’s needs, goals, and interests. All goals fall into three themes: community navigation, workforce development, and quality of life. 

Is there a specific curriculum or set of materials used by the tutors in this program?

No. Each learner has unique strengths, interests, and areas of growth. What may work well for one learner may be ineffective for another. The goal of this program is to provide a variety of options so that each learner has access to different choices. Access to and experience implementing evidence or research-based reading curriculum and willingness to adapt or create age-neutral materials that are high interest and responsive to the needs of our learners are criteria we include in our recruiting and onboarding process for tutors.

What if I cannot find a tutor?

If you cannot find a tutor in your area who is compatible, we encourage you to find someone through your own networks. However, they must be added as an approved Adult Literacy Ohio tutor in order for you to pay them using your granted funding. If you still cannot find a tutor, please contact us.  

What if I have a tutor in mind already?

Wonderful! This way of using the program has been highly successful. Please have them fill out a Tutor Application. They will need an active ODEW license. Please have them visit our “For Tutors” tab for more information and the application. Retired educators or speech language therapists are welcome with provision of a current background check and proof of education.   

Can I or someone in my family be a tutor for me?

No. We do not allow immediate family members or any family member living in the same household to be paid tutors through this program. We consider these “natural supports.” Immediate family members include the adult learner’s siblings, parents, or grandparents by blood, marriage, or adoption.

How do tutors get paid?

Tutors are paid directly by Adult Literacy Ohio only when adult learners schedule in ElevateDD Learner. If it is not scheduled within ElevateDD Learner prior to the session, the adult learner must pay for services outofpocket.